Blog: Meet the team, Rebecca Bray

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Our meet the team collection introduces different members of the Infigo team in a slightly different light, to show a side to them that you’ve most likely never seen before. This time is the turn of Rebecca Bray, who shares a few of her creature comforts, out of hour activities, and some insights into what makes her tick.


Rebecca Bray (AKA Little Bex)


Junior Designer – Marketing


West Sussex

Length of service

Nearly 13 years!

Currently listening to

It Has Begun – STARSET

What’s your favourite food?

If I was choosing a takeaway, it would 100% be Chinese, every time.

If I’m eating in, then chili con carne is the next best thing!

What’s your biggest achievement in the last 2 years?

The opportunity to design websites from scratch for potential customers is definitely a big achievement for me, as it demonstrates how far I have progressed over the years with my ideas and creativity.

I’ve also started 3D model training, to better visualise future exhibition stands for our upcoming events across the world.

What do you enjoy most about working for Infigo?

The freedom to design new things each day is amazing, because I find each new task exciting and gives me an opportunity to learn new things as I go.

Working with a great team every day is amazing, too!

What are your hobbies? 

In my free time you would typically find me drawing, or using my watercolour paints.

I have also taken up parkrun, which I find really helpful for my physical and mental health.

What can’t you live without? 

I can’t live without my phone, pen/paper and music (Oh, and Red Bull!)

Tell us a bit about yourself, in your own words? 

Firstly, thanks for taking some time out of your day to read this!

My name is Rebecca and I’ve been with lnfigo for close to 13 years now, although sometimes it still feels like I’ve only just joined this amazing company.

Originally, I joined Infigo as an Office Assistant, then after a year or so, I was given the opportunity to pursue my passion for art and design and became a Graphic Designer. Whilst supporting all areas of the business, and under the supportive wing of the other designers, I have learned the ropes and now am the only in-house designer at Infigo.

I am creative by nature, as I love to draw and paint during most of my free time, so being able to draw and design everyday as a job, whilst learning new tips and techniques along the way, really is a dream come true.

Tell us a fun fact not many people know about you 

I’m pretty good at playing pool!

What is your dream holiday location?

My dream location would probably be Japan.

Why would you recommend Infigo to potential customers?

The fact that Infigo can make almost anything possible for its users.

The dev and support teams are great at listening to customers and I also love that with our flagship online editor, Megaedit, you to can put your own personal touch on almost any item!

On most weekends, we can find you

Running 5k on my parkrun, or out and about, doing some shopping in town (if it’s not raining!)

If it does rain though, I might do some painting, or a bit of gaming.

Beach or mountain?

Beach. I like the sea and it gives me a chance to draw, whilst getting a tan (if the sun stays out long enough!)

We hope you enjoyed our meet the team feature. Stay tuned for future additions, when we will be shining the spotlight on another member of the Infigo team.

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