14 years of Infigo

As we celebrate our tenth anniversary, we look back at the key events that have shaped Infigo into who we are today.


Since our inception, back in December 2010, Infigo has grown rapidly. We’re now widely recognised as a distinctive global player within the printing industry. Everything that we have achieved over the last decade, is down to our loyal and dedicated workforce. They are always on-hand to offer the support and technical know-how needed to ensure our customers succeed.


Infigo CEO and founder, Douglas Gibson, says “We serve customers in a wide range of sectors and industries, and they have adopted Infigo to help create new revenue streams, increase profits through online selling, enhance customer retention and interaction as well as improve workflow and process management. It is without a doubt that over the last 10 years, this business has exceeded all expectations. This has been possible due to our dedicated team and our special customers. We have all collectively played a part in Infigo’s success story and I cannot thank everyone enough for their contribution.”

Inception – December 2010

Company founder, Douglas Gibson, forms Infigo Software Limited (now simply entitled; Infigo) and is appointed Managing Director – a title he holds to this day. With a strong background in the printing industry and knowledge of printing software, Infigo is set up to offer digital storefronts to commercial printers, allowing their customers to place print orders online.


Originally targeted at medium-sized print businesses, functionality includes enhanced stock management, flexible pricing options, efficient approval and ordering processes – as well as a simple and intuitive user interface.

Catfish debut - September 2012

In 2012, we launch our market-leading web-to-print platform, Catfish (now relabelled; Infigo Core Platform). Developed for both B2B and B2C sectors, Catfish builds on the business’ considerable success. The platform offers a more robust web-to-print, e-commerce and online marketing solution for a range of industries. New clients include printing, higher education institutions and corporates, such as Precision Proco, Arizona State University and Barchester Healthcare, to name but a few.


Douglas says “The Catfish Platform has been a personal dream – to have complete ownership of a platform with full control over its design, direction and development. It has taken two years to create, but we now have a platform that will give our customers an easy-to-expand, highly profitable e-commerce and online marketing service.”

IPEX exhibition and the launch of MegaEdit - March 2014

Expanding our technology, we launch our groundbreaking new module, MegaEdit, at IPEX 2014. Still offering ultimate and unrivalled flexibility and functionality, this is the flagship product from Infigo. The innovative online document designer boasts an extensive range of editing tools. This gives our customers a bigger competitive advantage and greater opportunity to increase profitability.


Gibson says “Our new MegaEdit module offers a fast and effective way for professional printers to enter the expanding and highly profitable photo-books and photo-gift market.”

Crossing the pond, DscoopX - March 2015

We enter the US market at DscoopX in Washington DC, joining a community of fellow HP users as they celebrate their 10th annual conference. We attend the event at their introductory ‘Ruby’ partnership level, but it’s safe to say that over five years on, we consider our relationship with Dscoop instrumental to our growth.


Infigo Head of Customer Success Greg Young recollects “DscoopX kicked off a long-standing relationship between Infigo and the Dscoop organisation. Following Washington DC, myself and Douglas attended Dscoop EMEA 2015, in Dublin, and have since exhibited and presented at every EMEA and USA conference since.”

Infigo Moldova - January 2016

In January 2016, we decided to establish a presence in Moldova following significant government investment in the country’s IT infrastructure. This included a simplification of taxes for foreign tech firms through a virtual IT Park. As a result of this investment, development expertise has become Moldova’s greatest export, with the industry providing significant career opportunities for young Moldovan workers.


Initially comprising of just Moldovan Head of Operations, Roman Gherman and one other developer, the team now has 20 members and is a significant driver of Infigo’s growth.

HP SmartStream partnership - April 2016

We proudly become HP SmartStream solutions partners, a global partnership with HP Indigo, and seamlessly integrate into their PrintOS platform, specifically focused on Site Flow. Gershon Alon, Manager, Workflow Solutions at HP Indigo says “We are excited to be working with Infigo as a SmartStream partner. We see that the solutions they have to offer and their expertise will add great value to our clients.”


Becoming a SmartStream partner means Infigo joins a group of industry-leading providers, delivering end-to-end workflow solutions for almost any application. This is true to this day.

Interpack exhibition, with HP - May 2017

In May 2017, we collaborate with Infigo partner, HP Indigo at Interpack, Dusseldorf. Both companies have long promoted the opportunities for packaging and label suppliers to join the digital printing revolution. Interpack is therefore the perfect platform for a live demonstration, on the exhibition floor.


Douglas says “We believe now is the time to act to avoid falling behind, and Interpack offers the perfect opportunity to showcase how easy it is for companies to reinvent their packaging offer with the right strategic partnerships.”

Enfocus partnership – July 2017

In July 2017, we announce our OEM partnership with leading pre-press software provider Enfocus, creating even greater time-savings and profitability for our customers. Our integration means that Infigo customers can license the Enfocus pre-flight and correction functionality as a cost-effective add-on option in their Infigo Core Platform.


Gibson says: “We’ve been focused on creating new and exciting automation partnerships because we recognise that automation is key for businesses to future-proof their operations. This latest integration with the brilliant Enfocus PitStop software streamlines artwork management and pre-flighting, creating genuine cost and process efficiencies.”

Tharstern partnership - September 2017

In September 2017, we announce a new partnership with market-leading print MIS software company, Tharstern. The collaboration transforms how clients manage their print or packaging workflows, most notably with the addition of live pricing. By combining these two powerful solutions, customers can achieve automation of other core functions such as product mapping, job specification and submission, estimating, reporting, imposition, stock management, billing and shipping into a streamlined workflow.


Lee Ward, Global Sales Director at Tharstern, says “We’re delighted to be able to show how our collaboration with Infigo delivers a new level of workflow efficiency and powerful e-commerce capabilities for customers.”

Devia Partnership & expanding into the USA- January 2018

In January 2018, we strengthen our presence in the United States through a new partnership with Devia Software. The collaboration enables us to expand our customer support by an additional 5 hours, to 13 hours a day.


Greg Young, Head of Customer Success at Infigo says “We’ve been working with the Devia team for over 12 months now, and, in that time, we have seen a real increase in customer interaction and support. Being able to provide real, human assistance for 13 hours a day, from both UK and US teams, to our ever-expanding client base, is somewhat unheard of and we are very proud to offer it.”

Recognised in The Parliamentary Review – October 2018

In October 2018, we are officially recognised by Lords and former cabinet members for outstanding work in the technology sector. Infigo is chosen to appear in the 2018 Parliamentary Review, which highlights businesses that are making an impact on their industry while inspiring others to do the same.


“We’re extremely proud to be in the Review as it shows where we are going as an organisation,” said Gibson. The Parliamentary Review is a series of independent publications, which aims to share best practice among policy makers and business leaders.

Labelexpo Europe, with HP - September 2019

In September 2019, we reunite with Infigo partner HP Indigo, to integrate our technology for a fully automated web-to-pack exhibit, showcased at Labelexpo 19 in Brussels. Douglas says “We are really excited to deliver this demonstration and feel it will be the talk of Labelexpo 2019.”


The ordering process for the two products feature customisation and personalisation, followed by a 3D preview of the finished product. The completed job is then sent automatically to Site Flow, which manages printing and converting on an HP Indigo 20000 and Karlville Pack Ready pouch making machine.


Douglas’ prediction that the demonstration will be the talk of the expo is correct.

printIQ partnership & branching into Australia  - October 2019

In October 2019, we officially announce our partnership with management workflow systems (MWS) provider printIQ. Following conversations between Douglas Gibson and printIQ’s Director of Product Development & Marketing, Mick Rowan at PRINT18 in Chicago, it is clear there is natural harmony between the two organisations, especially their mutual perspective on process automation. Infigo Head of Customer Success, Greg Young attends PrintEx19 in Sydney, Australia, to seal the deal.


The partnership sees both solutions joining forces to seamlessly streamline the whole user process, from quotes and production through to storage and shipping. Gibson explains “We have been doing some interesting things that have been catching the attention of other businesses in the marketplace. When we first started talking with printIQ about our needs for the Australia and New Zealand market, I could really feel the synergies and like-mindedness of the two companies”.

Supporting our customers through a tough & unprecedented year - 2020

Perhaps unsurprisingly, a large part of our activity during 2020 is helping clients adapt to the sudden change in circumstances – with the majority looking to automate and diversify revenue streams, and increase cash-flow, while operating with reduced manpower.


Greg Young says “I have seen so many Infigo clients pivot their offering to produce masks, visors, scrub kit templates, NHS colouring posters, and even pop-up beds, desks and chairs. And this on top of the normal production of informational posters, labels, leaflets, stickers and packaging to name but a few. I am proud to work in an industry driven by innovation. Driven by humanity. Driven by community.”

New UK headquarters, Lindfield, West Sussex – 2021

We officially settle into our new home, in the village of Lindfield, West Sussex. While the move doesn’t impact any of our operations, the unprecedented circumstances of the pandemic make moving offices anything but normal. However now that our new HQ is ready to receive visitors, we are certainly looking forward to welcoming our customers and partners again for a coffee and a chat.


Douglas explains “As a business, we must adapt in all areas in line with our growth and demand. When we established our first UK base in Crawley, we had a growing team in need of communal workspace. However, recent events have changed the way we perform our usual day-to-day activities, and working from home has quickly become accepted as the ‘new-normal’ – something we are keen to support. Our new office in Lindfield reflects this trend, and provides a streamlined, newly renovated space in the Sussex countryside – ideal for meetings and interactions.”

Company rebrand & fresh focus – August 2021

Despite the economic uncertainty caused by the global pandemic, Infigo comes out in typical fighting fashion. While other businesses are battening down the hatches, Infigo focuses on growth and a fresh look – this includes a complete overhaul of Infigo’s branding, a website redesign and clarifying Infigo’s mission and values.


Douglas says: “Perhaps we should have been laying down and being quiet but anyone that knows me, and knows Infigo, knows that’s not what we’re about. So, at a time when conventional wisdom would say we should have preserved cash and we should have sat back to see what happens, we decided to rebrand, we decided to bring in a whole load of new features.


“This was about realigning the business with a clear strategy of simplicity. Which is the core of what we’re doing with the new brand as Infigo. So simplifying our products, simplifying the mix, simplifying our offering, our pricing, making life simpler for our clients.”

We’ve only just begun...

While we’re justifiably proud of what we’ve achieved over the past 10 years, we’re already looking towards the next decade. As well as the rebrand we’ve been busy developing a host of new features, giving printers greater revenue generating opportunities than ever before.


These include our powerful analytics engine Insights, our intuitive content builder CMS+ (which makes it even easier to design unique storefronts) and our Adobe InDesign plugin, Invent, which reduces the design process by up to 80%.


Response from testing has been fantastic and we can’t wait to begin rolling out these features, getting more feedback and fine tuning them to meet the demands of printers over the next 10 years.


We have huge ambitions for the next decade and we’re passionate about helping printers harness the power of e-commerce, automation and web-to-print. To fully understand the endless possibilities we can offer, why not see the platform in action?


Our team would love to walk you through our key features and benefits. We look forward to e-meeting you at a free 1-to-1 demo soon.

Watch our 10 year celebration video

We were delighted to finally get the UK sales, marketing, operations, development, technical support and customer success teams together, in our new office, to celebrate our 10th anniversary.


As you can imagine, having not seen each other for 18 months (other than in front of a computer screen), it was an emotional experience for us all – and as well as being the first time most staff had seen each other since March 2020, it was also the first opportunity for many to visit Infigo’s new head office.


You can see what we got up too on the day by watching our short 10 year celebration video, or alternatively, you can also find out more from our blog at the link below.

Read our blog
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Why choose Infigo?

Launched in 2010, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to help your business grow and succeed.

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Our solution

We offer a complete web-to-print solution, with add-on modules, 3rd party integrations and dedicated support.

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Success stories

See practical examples of how we’ve helped our customers adapt and grow with our web-to-print solution.

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