Our handy web-to-print ROI calculator takes into account your average daily print jobs, cost per job, time spent per estimate and cost per fulfilment, to give you an accurate example of the return on investment you could achieve by removing manual tasks, and investing in a web-to-print solution. How much time and money could you save by streamlining your operations? With automated quote generation, artwork proofing and pre-flighting, archiving and customer notification emails, shipping and much more, you and your team could be spending more time (and money) on the tasks that really matter.
So, by entering a few simple key metrics— like your annual print jobs, average cost per job, and cost per fulfilment - you'll see how quickly you can expect a return on your investment.
Daily jobs
This section is for your average daily jobs/orders from existing channels, in addition to how many orders you would like a web-to-print solution to take.
Once a job/order arrives, a price for your customer must be calculated. This section is for your average costs per estimate.
Job fulfilment
How do you prepare for existing jobs/orders to be fulfilled? How many steps are included in the process? EG packaging, shipping, postage labels, courier collection/drop off etc.